Re: Mathematica player, nbp file format, just for the demonstration project?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg78950] Re: [mg78918] Mathematica player, nbp file format, just for the demonstration project?
- From: John Fultz <jfultz at>
- Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 06:10:09 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: jfultz at
I answered some questions about Mathematica Player, including this one, here... In summary, there is development at Wolfram to allow user-created .nbp files, but I can't yet give any details or say when it will be available. I'm sure an announcement will be made here, among other places, when something is ready. In the mean time, feel free to contact Wolfram's Partnership group at partnerships at Sincerely, John Fultz jfultz at User Interface Group Wolfram Research, Inc. On Thu, 12 Jul 2007 05:30:04 -0400 (EDT), Nasser Abbasi wrote: > > > When I first learned about MP (Mathematica player), I thought the idea > was that it was meant to play any Mathematica 6 .nbp file or ,nb file > which can contain dynamic stuff (Manipulate[]). i.e. I have thought > that one can write an ,nb file with Manipulate[] and email this file > to anyone, and that person can play the file using MP even if they do > not have Mathematica installed. > > But I think this is the case with MP instead: MP will only work on > files downloaded from demonstration project site. It seems one must > send the .nb file to demo site, then the file is converted there > to ,nbp and be digitally signed and only then others can download it > and use MP to play it. Is this correct? > > Since there is no SAVE AS .nbp option in Mathematica 6. So how does > one create these files from an .nb file? > > If MP is only meant to play files downloaded just from Mathematica > demonstration project site, then what is the point of MP?? I have > assumed all along it is meant to be used by any one to play anyone's > else Mathematica 6 files? > > Am I missing something here? Could someone please clarify what MP is > all about? > > thanks, > > Nasser