MathGroup Archive 2007

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Odd little Bessel function quirk

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79035] Odd little Bessel function quirk
  • From: AES <siegman at>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:19:50 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Stanford University

[Indented lines are Output cells; others are Input cells]

f[r_] := If[r ¾ 1, BesselJ[0, \ r], BesselK[0, r]]


      If[r ¾ 1, BesselJ[0, r], BesselK[0, r]]

D[f[r], r]  

      If[r ¾ 1, 1/2 (BesselJ[-1, r] - BesselJ[1, r]),     
                  1/2 (-BesselK[-1, r] - BesselK[1, r])]

D[f[r], r] /. r ¾ 1 -> True

      -BesselJ[1, r]

D[f[r], r] /. r ¾ 1 -> False

      -BesselK[1, r]

Nothing erroneous here (so far as I know) -- but how come the results of 
the (superfluous) 4th and 5th Input lines are simplified, but the 3rd 
one is not?   [When I'm struggling with Bessel functions, I can use all 
the simplification I can get!]

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