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Exporting Mathematica 5.0 Notebooks to Latex for use in Miktex 2.6

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79032] Exporting Mathematica 5.0 Notebooks to Latex for use in Miktex 2.6
  • From: SK <skhushrushahi at>
  • Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:18:17 -0400 (EDT)


Ive been struggling to export my mathematica 5.0 notebook to LaTeX
form for use in Miktex 2.6. When I try to save as special > latex , I
get this error

Mathematica has detected a possible internal error. If possible,
report the error to support at, quoting "Assertion
'!"Expression written to link when FrontEnd was not expecting any
expressions"' failed at KernelBackground.c:435", and describe in as
much detail as possible what you were doing when the error occurred.

I have browsed forums and i realize i have to change some font
settings in my miktex, but i only find information for miktex 2.4. I
currently have the latest miktex (2.6) and the directory structure are
not the same. I even came across detailed instructions for 2.4 at
but when I try to download the old miktex 2.4, there are no

I even installed publicon and pasted some of my equations in the ams-
journal style sheet so that it could export to amslatex. But with
Publicon i get errors since it cant recognices \wolframcharacter and I
dont know how to fix it.

I really need to solve this quickly because I have a lot of thesis
material in my mathematica notebooks. Any help would be greatly

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