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making a fast simulation faster? Mathm. 6.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79259] making a fast simulation faster? Mathm. 6.0
  • From: kristoph < at>
  • Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 04:24:30 -0400 (EDT)

Dear All,

I know it is much to ask but I'm trying desperately to make the code
below faster. Due to important help from this group for parts of the
system it is already fast but it is not yet fast enough. I'm using an
intel 2 GHz. machine which needs about 6 seconds in the below
I'm simulating a stochastic dynamical system which I simulate 5 times
for each configuration. There exist a total of 499^2 configurations.
You might imaging that time is a big issue. For each simulation I
extract data which I process into average date of the 5 simulations.
This is needed for further processing.

I'm very grateful for any suggestions to the simulation much faster.
If you have any questions regarding the code please do not hesitate to
email me.

Thanks a lot,

divi = {{3, 1}, {3, 1}, {2, 0}};
inve = 2;
wert = Dimensions[divi][[2]];
rela = Table[
   divi[[i, k]]/Total[divi[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[divi]}, {k, 1,
lambdaGOP = Table[Mean[rela[[All, i]]], {i, 1, wert}];
lambdaEQ = Table[1/wert, {i, 1, wert}];
lambda = Transpose[{lambdaGOP, lambdaEQ}];

Clear[a, b, theta, preCalc, iterate, meanadd, meantransform, varadd,
ClearAll[listmean, listvar, meantransform, data, intervall];
rho[h_, g_] := {{h/500, 0}, {0, g/500}};
relativesver[a_, b_] := (rho[h, g][[1, 1]] a)/
   Total[rho[h, g].{a, b}];
iterate[{a_, b_}] :=
  N[preCalc[a, b].divi[[Ceiling[3 RandomReal[]]]]];
rw[w_] := relativesver @@@ lo[[w]];
listmean[g_] := listmean[g] = Join[listmean[g - 1], bigloop[[1]]];
listvar[g_] := listvar[g] = Join[listvar[g - 1], bigloop[[2]]];
simuls = 5;
periods = 800;
band = 0.8;

Timing[For[g = 1, g <= 3, g++, Print["Lauf-", g];
  bigloop =
   Reap[For[h = g - Floor[g*band], h <= 499, h++, verm = {a, b};
      theta[a_, b_] =
        Table[(lambda[[k, i]]*rho[h, g][[i, i]]*verm[[i]])/
          Sum[lambda[[k, j]]*rho[h, g][[j, j]]*verm[[j]], {j, 1,
            inve}], {i, 1, inve}, {k, 1, wert}]];
      preCalc[a_, b_] =
       Inverse[IdentityMatrix[inve] -
           theta[a, b].lambda.rho[h, g]].theta[a, b] // Simplify;
      lo =
       Reap[For[n = 1, n <= simuls,
          n++' Sow[
             Delete[NestList[iterate, {5, 5}, periods],
              1]];];(*end For*)][[-1, 1]];(*end Reap*)
      meanreihe = 1/simuls*Sum[rw[x], {x, 1, simuls}];
      totalstandardabw =
       Sqrt[1/simuls*Sum[Variance[rw[x]], {x, 1, simuls}]];
      Sow[meanreihe[[-1]], "EndwertMeanReihe"];
      Sow[totalstandardabw, "totalstandardabw"];
      If[rho[h, g][[1, 1]] >= rho[h, g][[2, 2]] &&
        totalstandardabw < 0.01, h = 500];
      Clear[meanreihe, totalstandardabw];], {"EndwertMeanReihe",
  bigloop[[2, 1]] =
   PadLeft[bigloop[[2, 1]],
    Length[bigloop[[2, 1]]] + (g - Floor[g*band] - 1)];
  bigloop[[1, 1]] =
   PadLeft[bigloop[[1, 1]],
    Length[bigloop[[1, 1]]] + (g - Floor[g*band] - 1)];
  If[g == 1, listmean[g] = bigloop[[1]]; listvar[g] = bigloop[[2]],
   listmean[g]; listvar[g]];
  If[g >= 3, listmean[g - 2] =.; listvar[g - 2] =.];
  Clear[a, b, theta, preCalc];]]

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