Expand all cells?
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg79339] Expand all cells?
- From: Cthulhiac <cthulhiac at gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 02:04:18 -0400 (EDT)
I have a very simple question but I can't seem to be able to google the answer. I have also checked the few Mathematica books on my bookshelf and even (gasp!) tried the online documentation. It is so simple that I'm sure it's hiding in plain view. I have a (very large) notebook. When I open it, all cells are collapsed. Since there are literally hundreds of cells, double-clicking each one of them to open it is a pita. How, in God's or Zeus' or Cthulhu's name do I expand ALL of them at once? I don't want to evaluate the notebook. I just want the whole darn thing expanded so I can get the whole picture. Thanks for any tips.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Expand all cells?
- From: Murray Eisenberg <murray@math.umass.edu>
- RE: Expand all cells?
- From: Robert Pigeon <robert.pigeon@videotron.ca>
- Re: Expand all cells?
- From: Carl Woll <carlw@wolfram.com>
- Re: Expand all cells?
- From: "Thomas Dowling" <thomasgdowling@gmail.com>
- Re: Expand all cells?