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Re: Mathematica 6.0 math.exe question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg79464] Re: Mathematica 6.0 math.exe question
  • From: David Bailey <dave at>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 05:54:21 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f89q8u$5pq$>

Yvon wrote:
> I am trying to run math.exe with a .m file in Windows XP.
> The testAuto.m file has the following:
> Integrate[Exp[I\[Pi]x],x]
> Plot[Sin[x+Sqrt[2]Sin[x]],{x,0,2\[Pi]}];
> Export["c:\\pods\\testOut.gif",%]
> Quit[]
> In the command prompt, I type        math.exe -run testAuto.m
> It returns with In[1]:=  waiting for me to enter something.
> The testAuto.m file is in the same directory as the math.exe program
> (under C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\6.0)
> It's as if it is not recognizing or reading the .m file.  Is the file
> not in the correct format?  I originally wrote a notebook in the GUI
> and did a Save As... file type package (*.m).  The resulting file in a
> text editor showed that all the lines were converted to comments (*
> *), so I deleted all the lines and symbols leaving only the actual
> input commands and resaved.  I did this after trying the above command
> line with the original .m output and received the same result.
> Please help me figure out how to run this from the command prompt.  I
> would like to write some "routines" in Mathematica to schedule
> automatically to run overnight using the Windows scheduler.
> Thanks in advance!
> Yvon
The -run option takes a COMMAND not a file as argument. Furthermore, 
backslashes and quotes in the command seem to require escaping to make 
it work. Thus the following worked for me:

"c:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\6.0\math.exe" -run 

David Bailey

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