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simple question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg77099] simple question
  • From: dimitris <dimmechan at>
  • Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 06:15:18 -0400 (EDT)


I have a simple question but I can't find any relevant.
Suppose a user-defined function with comments [that is (*...*)

Let for example

\!\(Nint[g_ (*function*) , n_Integer, {x_, a_, b_} (*
      the\ variable\ and\ the\ limits\
        of\ integration*) , opts___ (*set\ possible\ options\ for\ \
NIntegrate*) ] := NIntegrate[Evaluate[g\^Range[n]], {x, a, b}, opts]\)

The code has been copy/paste in StandardForm.
Let me convert it to InputForm. After selecting the cell
and press Shift+Ctrl+I, I get

Nint[g_, n_Integer, {x_, a_, b_}, opts___] :=
NIntegrate[Evaluate[g^Range[n]], {x, a, b}, opts]

That is, the comments during the conversion have been lost.

Any ideas to "fix" this situation?


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