MathGroup Archive 2007

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Re: Re: Re: v6: still no multiple undo?

Having a save after each evaluation is hardly sufficient: as it seems to 
be set up, each new version replaces the last.  This is dangerous in 
that a huge amount of work could still be too easily lost.

A usable substitute is a 3rd party general utility, such as CS-RCS 
revision control system or, more simply, a multiple-version backup 
imaging utility.  (On my Windows system, I use a PC Magazine utility 
Insta-Back, where I can specify what folders and files to back up and 
how many levels to maintain.)

Brett Champion wrote:
> On Jun 8, 2007, at 4:33 AM , Helen Read wrote:
>> Selwyn Hollis wrote:
>>> Ah, that's at the top of my gripes list too. I'm pretty sure that
>>> Undo is even less functional in 6 than in 5.2.
>> Undo seems kind of buggy in 6. I've lost things that just didn't go  
>> back
>> to the way they were when I tried to Undo (after e.g. accidentally
>> pasting when I meant to copy).
>>> Another shortcoming is the lack of AutoSave or AutoBackup capability.
>>> It's too easy to lose track of time, crash, and then discover that
>>> you haven't saved anything in 2 hours. (Or maybe its just dementia on
>>> my part.)
>> I'm fairly obsessive about saving frequently, but I cannot for the  
>> life
>> of me get my students to do it. A few times a semester, someone will
>> crash Mathematica at the very end of a class period when they are  
>> taking
>> a quiz or exam, without having saved a thing. Built-in AutoSave  
>> would be
>> nice to have.
> Would the NotebookAutoSave option work for you?
> It saves the notebook after each evaluation, provided the notebook  
> has been saved once already.
> (NotebookAutoSave has been around for several versions.)
> Brett Champion
> Wolfram Research

Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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