3D plot with one logarithmic axes (II)
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg77785] 3D plot with one logarithmic axes (II)
- From: "Carabe - Fernandez, Alejandro" <a.carabe at imperial.ac.uk>
- Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 04:02:27 -0400 (EDT)
Hello everyone, and thank you for your nice and kind help those that have replied to my query. Further to it I need to ask you a final question to fine tune the plot I am trying to produce. The proposed solution to the question I posted is: Clear[let, llet]; let = Exp[llet]; ls[min_,max_]:=LogScale[min,max,4]; Plot3D[0.075 + 0.916*(1/Exp[-Exp[-0.075 2]])*0.01 let Exp[-0.01 let] + (1 - (1/Exp[-Exp[-0.075 2]])*0.01 let Exp[-0.01 let])*1/(0.05 t + 1), {t, 0, 100}, {llet, 0, = Log[1000]},Ticks->{Automatic,ls[1,Log[1000]],Automatic},PlotPoints->25,FaceGrids->None,DefaultFont->{"HelveticaBold",18},AxesLabel->{"Time","LET", "alpha"}] However, I am trying to get the 'let' axis with the right ticks so it matches the scale represented in the following 2D plot: LogLinearPlot[0.075+0.916*(1/Exp[-Exp[-0.075 2]])*0.01 let Exp[-0.01 let], {let, 1, 1000}, Frame->True, DefaultFont->{"HelveticaBold",18},FrameLabel->{"LET (KeV/microM)","alpha"}, PlotRange->{{1,1000}, {0, 1}}, PlotStyle->{{GrayLevel[0.0],AbsoluteThickness[3.5]}}] 1 - The function plotted with the LogLinearPlot corresponds to the same of the 3D plot at a very specific value of t (t=infinity). As you can see, I am trying to use ticks on the 3D plot but it doesn't work. Do you know how could I introduce the correct 'let' scale in the 3D plot so the plane (LET,ALPHA) has the same scale as the one represented in the 2D LogLinearPlot? 2 - Do you know how could I change the position of the labels in each of the three axes? 3 - I am trying to understand how 'ticks' work but I find it very confusing. Do you know where could I find clear information on how to use the command correctly? Thank you all very much.