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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg77780] MIDI and MATHEMATICA
  • From: mumat <csarami at>
  • Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2007 03:59:53 -0400 (EDT)

Hi all,

I see Mathematica has done a lot of manuers on MIDI. They also
released Wolfram Tunes... which was supposed to be a master piece
generated by the WebMathematica.

After many emails, I have not found any documentation about
generating Midi files using mathematica.
I have matrix. every row represent an instruments and the entries are
the ordered pairs of the form ( note_i, Dureation_i) . how can I
implement this?

Matrix is generated by mathematica of course.

Is that possible to play two or more instruments together using
mathematica? If learning j/link or MathLink is a must to do this!

Which one is eaier to learn: J/Link or MathLink. For doing music/midi
computations which one do you recommand?

I really appreciated whoever answer this question for me. I don't mind
paying some money to learn that... it became an obsession for me after
so many years ... i still cannot do this.

Best regards,


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