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Re: Re: need MathLie mathematica package

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg73964] Re: [mg73933] Re: need MathLie mathematica package
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <akoz at>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 03:57:12 -0500 (EST)
  • References: <es92kk$40c$> <> <>

This package is a part of Gerd Baumann's book "Symmetry Analysis of  
Differential Equations with Mathematica". Anyone who buys the book  
you will get the package for free together with complete  
documentation. Since I assume that the author is still interested in  
selling his book, I feel it is probably inapropriate to write much  
more. Besides, I don't think the package is useable wihtout the book.  
An online version of the whole book is included wiht the paper one,  
but obviously it would not be right or legal to distribute it without  
the author's permission.
If I rember correctly, the package included with the book I have is  
incompatible with Mathematica 5, although if you read and understnd  
the book you won't really need the package, since all the code is  
included in th ebook and as far as I can remember there is nothing in  
it that requires particularly advanced programing skills.

Andrzej Kozlowski

On 3 Mar 2007, at 07:09, Jean-Marc Gulliet wrote:

> On 3/2/07, Nabeel Butt <nabeel.butt at> wrote:
>> Dear Mr Jean,
>>               Yes this is the pakage.But when i open the package  
>> you mention
>> it gives some cryptic language.It has some strange fonts not  
>> comprehensible
>> by me.Please check it out and tell me wether there is a remedy to it.
>>              regards,
>>              Nabeel
>> On 3/2/07, Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at> wrote:
>>> Nabeel Butt wrote:
>>>> Dear Users,
>>>>              I need MathLie package for calculating the symmetry of
>>>> differential equations.Please could you email me the download or  
>>>> suggest
>>>> where to download it.
>>>>               Thanks in advance.
>>>>              regards,
>>>>               Nabeel
>>> Is this what you are looking for?
> I have checked the .m file. It appears that they are encoded. They are
> still plain ASCII but not meant to be read by a human being. (That is
> one can execute them but cannot see the code.) Therefore, the only
> thing you can do is saving the .m files within an appropriate
> directory on your own system and use them. I believe that the regular
> notebooks must contain some explanations about how to use the
> packages. (Note that I am not familiar with this package: I have just
> done a search on Google with the package name as keyword.)
> HTH,
> Jean-Marc

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