Re: Mathematica 6 Graphics Options
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg75774] Re: Mathematica 6 Graphics Options
- From: mcmcclure at
- Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 05:15:38 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <f1s1t6$fi3$>
> In Mathematica 5 you could Option-Click into a 2D graphics > and the coordinates of the cursor were displayed at lower left > of the windows. > ... > Does anybody know if there is a replacement. Graphics (and other objects) are interactive in a much more general sense in V6. While the simple default interactivity of Graphics that you describe is gone, it is very easy to roll your own. Here's a simple little function called labeledPointPlot: labeledPointPlot[g_Graphics] := Manipulate[Column[{ Show[{g, Graphics@Point[pt]}], pt}], {pt, Sequence @@ Transpose[PlotRange /. FullOptions[g]], Locator}]; labeledPointPlot accepts a Graphics object and returns a Manipulate which does what you want. For example: labeledPointPlot[Plot[x^2, {x, -2, 2}]] Manipulate accepts a large number of Options which allow you to control the appearance. At a more fundamental level, the output of Manipulate is defined in terms of more fundamental objects called Dynamic primitives. These are analagous to Graphics primitives generated by Plot and related commands. If you are willing to work at the level of Dynamics primitives, then you have a tremendous amount of control over beheavior and appearance. Mark McClure