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Re: drawing with mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg75931] Re: drawing with mathematica
  • From: dimitris <dimmechan at>
  • Date: Sun, 13 May 2007 05:56:40 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <f23qs4$oar$>

If somebody does not see what is my problem let me be more specific.

Compare the head of the  three arrows below:

xar = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Arrow[{0, 0}, {7.5, 0}, HeadLength -
> 0.04, HeadWidth -> 0.5, HeadCenter -> 0]}];
zar = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Arrow[{0, 0}, {0, -7.5}, HeadLength -
> 0.04, HeadWidth -> 0.5, HeadCenter -> 0]}];
yar = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Arrow[{0, 0}, {-6, -2.4}, HeadLength
-> 0.04, HeadWidth -> 0.5, HeadCenter -> 0]}];
Show[xar, yar, zar, ImageSize -> 800]

Please pay special attention to the look of the vertical (called zar
above) arrow.
Quite nasty appearance; don't you agree?

I think Mathematica encountered a bug in the graphics rendering.

I am interested in any ideas of fixing it.
I have tried

xaxis = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{0, 0}, {8, 0}}]}];
xaxisar1 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{8, 0}, {7.4, 0.15}}]}];
xaxisar2 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{8, 0}, {7.4,
yaxis = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{0, 0}, {-5, -2}}]}];
yaxisar1 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{-5, -2}, {-4.5,
yaxisar2 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{-5, -2}, {-4.4,
zaxis = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{0, 0}, {0, -7}}]}];
zaxisar1 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{0, -7}, {-0.2,
zaxisar2 = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{0, -7}, {0.2,
Show[xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, xaxisar1, xaxisar2, yaxisar1, yaxisar2,
zaxisar1, zaxisar2, ImageSize -> 800]

but I am looking for a workaround with Arrow. I am aware of HeadShape
with Polygon and lines setting but it look not very easy for me.

Thanks a lot!


=CF/=C7 dimitris =DD=E3=F1=E1=F8=E5:
> Hello.
> I have the following drawing.
> In[5404]:=
> $TextStyle={FontFamily->"Times",FontSize\[Rule]23,FontWeight\
> [Rule]"Bold"};
> In[5405]:=
> <<Graphics`Arrow`
> In[5510]:=
> surf = Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity}, ParametricPlot[{13*Cos[u],
> 4*Sin[u]}, {u, 0, 2*Pi}, PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.008],
>      PlotPoints -> 100]];
> surfgray = surf /. Line[x_] :> {GrayLevel[0.95], Polygon[x]};
> halfspa = Block[{$DisplayFunction = Identity},
> ParametricPlot[13*{Cos[u], Sin[u]}, {u, Pi, 2*Pi}, PlotStyle ->
> Thickness[0.008],
>      PlotPoints -> 100]];
> halfspagr = halfspa /. Line[x_] :> {GrayLevel[0.95], Polygon[x]};
> xdash = Graphics[{AbsoluteDashing[{4, 8}], Thickness[0.005],
> Line[{{-13.7, 0}, {13, 0}}]}];
> opoi = Graphics[{PointSize[0.02], Point[{0, 0}]}];
> otex = Graphics[Text["0", {-0.3, 0.8}]];
> xaxis = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{0, 0}, {8, 0}}]}];
> xar = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Arrow[{8, 0}, {8.5, 0}, HeadLength -
> > 0.04, HeadWidth -> 0.5, HeadCenter -> 0]}];
> yaxis = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{0, 0}, {-5, -2}}]}];
> yar = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Arrow[{-5, -2}, {-6, -2.4},
> HeadLength -> 0.04, HeadWidth -> 0.5, HeadCenter -> 0]}];
> zaxis = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Line[{{0, 0}, {0, -7}}]}];
> zar = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Arrow[{0, -7}, {0, -7.5}, HeadLength
> -> 0.04, HeadWidth -> 0.5, HeadCenter -> 0]}];
> xtex = Graphics[Text["\!\(x\_1\)", {8.5, -0.5}]];
> ytex = Graphics[Text["\!\(x\_2\)", {-6.7, -2}]];
> ztex = Graphics[Text["\!\(x\_3\)", {0.8, -7.7}]];
> tangload = Graphics[{Thickness[0.007], Arrow[{0.2, 0.6}, {5, 0.6},
> HeadLength -> 0.03, HeadWidth -> 0.5]}];
> tangtex = Graphics[Text["P", {5.5, 1}]];
> x3tex = Graphics[Text["\!\(x\_3\)=0", {-14.6, 0}]];
> thline = Graphics[{Thickness[0.004], Arrow[{0, 0}, {4.1, -1.8},
> HeadLength -> 0.02, HeadWidth -> 0.7]}];
> thtex = Graphics[Text["=E8", {2.5, -0.5}]];
> thang = Graphics[{Thickness[0.004], Circle[{0, 0}, 2, {3*(Pi/2) + Pi/4
> + 0.4, 2*Pi}]}];
> thdash1 = Graphics[{Dashing[{0.02, 0.02}], Thickness[0.003],
> Line[{{3.2, -1.8}, {-4, -1.8}}]}];
> thdash2 = Graphics[{Dashing[{0.02, 0.02}], Thickness[0.003],
> Line[{{4.1, -1.8}, {7, 0}}]}];
> rtex = Graphics[Text["r", {1, -1}]];
> Show[{surfgray, halfspagr, surf, xdash, halfspa, opoi, otex, xaxis,
> xar, yaxis, yar, zaxis, zar, xtex, ytex, ztex, tangload,
>     tangtex, x3tex, thline, thtex, thang, rtex, thdash1, thdash2},
> ImageSize -> 950, Axes -> None];
> The arrow with the name zar (the vertical one!) appeared in
> undesirable form.
> Can somebody point me out a way to "fix" its appearance and all of the
> arrows
> objects to appeared with the same form?
> Thanks a lot!
> Dimitris

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