Plot3D issue
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg76302] Plot3D issue
- From: Mathieu G <ellocomateo at>
- Date: Sat, 19 May 2007 04:40:59 -0400 (EDT)
Hello, hello, Does anyone have an idea how I can improve the quality of the 3D plots in the following example? It looks like the range affects the quality!: (* ********** Code following ********** *) Clear["Global`*"]; HoleSize = Rationalize[1.5 1*^-6 /2]; BeamRadius = Rationalize[3.81 1*^-6]; BeamPower = 81*^-3; BeamAmplitude = BeamPower/(2 \[Pi] BeamRadius^2); (* Uncomment next line to get a better plot*) (*HoleSize = HoleSize 1*^9; BeamRadius = BeamRadius 1*^9;*) StepSize = 4 BeamRadius/ 100;(* Used to fit the result with a Gaussian, when \ HoleSize<<BeamRadius *) (*2D Gaussian*) Gaussian2D[x_, y_, Radius_: 1, Amplitude_: 1] := Amplitude Exp[-1/2 ((x/Radius)^2 + (y/Radius)^2)]; (*Disk shaped hole*) DHole[x_, y_, HoleSize_: 1] := Boole[x^2 + y^2 <= HoleSize^2]; (*Square shaped hole*) SHole[x_, y_, HoleSize_: 1] := Boole[(HoleSize >= Abs[x]) && (HoleSize >= Abs[y])]; (*Test function*)THole[x_, y_, Dummy_: 1] := DiracDelta[x, y]; Beam[x_, y_] := Gaussian2D[x, y, BeamRadius, BeamAmplitude]; Hole[x_, y_] := SHole[x, y, HoleSize]; Plot3D[Beam[x, y], {x, -4 BeamRadius, 4 BeamRadius}, {y, -4 BeamRadius, 4 BeamRadius}, Mesh -> All, PlotRange -> All, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow"] Plot3D[Hole[x, y], {x, -2 HoleSize, 2 HoleSize}, {y, -2 HoleSize, 2 HoleSize}, Mesh -> All, PlotRange -> All, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", Filling -> Axis]