Re: Mathematica 6.0 easier for me ... (small review)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg76578] Re: Mathematica 6.0 easier for me ... (small review)
- From: Helen Read <read at>
- Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 06:05:18 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <f30vpv$mkn$>
Paul at wrote: > > 3. What wasn't there is finally there. The graphics commands are > MUCH, MUCH better. Rotatable graphics that stay rotated when rendering > again is awesome. I'm also addicted to Manipulate[]. Most > incredible. Agreed. And the Graphics Inspector and Drawing Tools are awfully nice. > 6. Very few gotchas. I have only found one, though it keeps biting > me. If I have two lists, one from 0-100 in both axis and the other > from 0-1000 in both axis, Show[] will truncate! > > lisA = Table[i^2, {i, 0, 1000}]; > lisB = Table[i, {i, 0, 100}]; > p1 = ListPlot[lisA, Joined -> True]; > p2 = ListPlot[lisB, Joined -> True]; > Show[p1, p2] > Show[p2, p1] > > The first plot parameter to Show[] determines truncation. 5.2 did not > do this!! Of course, change Joined to PlotJoined for 5.2. A small > gotcha, but never the less a gotcha that burned me once already. My > fault. New is not worse, just different. To me, Show[] simply > Showed. Now it is not. PlotRange->All fixes this. I wish there was > a way to default to All for Show[]. The documentation for Show says that the PlotRange is set by the first graphic in the list of graphics you are showing, and to see everything you should use PlotRange->Automatic. PlotRange->Automatic was the default (as it seems to have been in 5.2). No idea why they changed this; it's a pain the neck to have to set the PlotRange all the time in Show. Another little thing: I'd like the ability to set a different color scheme (perhaps a user defined color scheme) to be used for plots. I find that if I plot two functions together without setting a PlotStyle that the blue and purply colors Mathematica uses are a bit difficult to distinguish. I'd like the first two colors to be say, blue and red. > Nice job to Wolfram. Can't wait to see 6.1 :) Agreed. -- Helen Read University of Vermont
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Re: Mathematica 6.0 easier for me ... (small review)
- From: Murray Eisenberg <>
- Re: Re: Mathematica 6.0 easier for me ... (small review)