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Re: advanced fill effects for graphics primitives

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg81656] Re: advanced fill effects for graphics primitives
  • From: "sdw" <warwick at>
  • Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 04:38:36 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fcnl6k$s7e$> <fdl9i0$d35$>

this is better, although still weak since it only applies to polygons.  I 
was hoping to see fill functions defined for the graphics primitives circle, 
rect etc..

the general case for rect I am forced to use to define a raster with 
colorfunction.   this doesn't work for circles.

it is also horrible from a performance perspective.  it also requires 
excessive work on the part of the user to develop gradient fills where the 
fills are not uniform, not perpendicular to the xy axis or line-hatching 
styles.   not that I like it, but when specifying fill styles in ex.el or 
vis.o, you do get this kind of patterns, although not very flexible.   these 
options should be available as part of plot, listplot, barchart,  pie chart.

I also note that if I do use raster to develop a fill pattern,  I cannot 
combine it with another  primitive in order to get a non-rectangular shape, 
such as circle - there is no way to "clip" the raster to a graphics shape. 
vis.o, for example, supports the concept of combining, intersection, union 
of shapes.

another rich area for discussion is the concept of time-varying plots and 
charts.  dynamic got us started, now show us how to capture the dynamic 
output into a .mov or .gif file for embedding into presentation 

 I believe that wolfram has a great opportunity to expand their 
functionality in the area of data visualization and charting.  Even if there 
are ways for users to cobble together solutions,  it is not efficient that 
we individually re-invent the wheel.

thanks for your thoughtful response.

"Steve Luttrell" <steve at> wrote in message 
news:fdl9i0$d35$1 at
> I've now realised that Inset is not going to do what you want (see my
> previous response).
> However, the Wolfram Blog describes a way of using VertexColors that does
> the texture fills that you want. See
>, and search 
> on
> that page for the word "Texturing".
> -- 
> Steve Luttrell
> West Malvern, UK
> "sdw" <warwick at> wrote in message news:fcnl6k$s7e$1 at
>>I see no way to create advanced fill effects for the basic graphics
>> primitives like polygon, circle, rectangle, etc.
>> examples would include things like gradient colors, hatching,  cropped
>> or fit images,  texture fills.
>> these are typical needs for advanced graphs and plots.
>> Am I missing something?
>> thanks

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