Re: ProgressIndicator Questions
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg82236] Re: [mg82213] ProgressIndicator Questions
- From: Murray Eisenberg <murray at>
- Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 03:20:53 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: Mathematics & Statistics, Univ. of Mass./Amherst
- References: <>
- Reply-to: murray at
No green here! Under Windows XP, the ProgressIndicator bar is all grayscale. Your first two examples show gray diagonal stripes shading into white. The third example shows a solid, dark gray bar next to a white bar, with shrinkage of the dark gray portion as time increases. I presume you're working on a different platform? Or, if under Windows XP, with a different theme? David Park wrote: > I would like to use a ProgressIndicator, not to indicate progress in a > calculation, but to represent the transmission of information in a given > direction. Here is an example from ProgressIndicator Help that indicates the > type of display that I want: > > ProgressIndicator[Dynamic[Clock[Infinity]], Indeterminate] > > However, I want the ProgressIndicator to be much smaller and, as it would > be, I want the information flow in the opposite direction. If I make the > ProgressIndicator smaller there is no green portion to indicate a flow at > all. > > ProgressIndicator[Dynamic[Clock[Infinity]], Indeterminate, > ImageSize -> {75, 10}] > > I suspect this may be related to the width of the green portion and the > width of the ProgressIndicator. > > I can obtain a kind of right to left flow with the following construction: > > ProgressIndicator[Dynamic[2 - Clock[2]], {0, 2}, > ImageSize -> {75, 10}] > > My questions are: > 1) Is it possible to change the green and gray colors? > 2) Or better, is it possible to specify the width of the ProgressIndicator > AND the location and width of the green region independently? > > Or are there any suggestions for independently constructing a flow > indicator, perhaps one that had the kind of shading that the > ProgressIndicator has? > > Thanks for any help on this. > > -- Murray Eisenberg murray at Mathematics & Statistics Dept. Lederle Graduate Research Tower phone 413 549-1020 (H) University of Massachusetts 413 545-2859 (W) 710 North Pleasant Street fax 413 545-1801 Amherst, MA 01003-9305
- References:
- ProgressIndicator Questions
- From: "David Park" <>
- ProgressIndicator Questions