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Computation does not stop when solving system quadratic eqn

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82536] Computation does not stop when solving system quadratic eqn
  • From: sapsi <saptarshi.guha at>
  • Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2007 04:23:42 -0400 (EDT)

I have two quadratic equations in two unknowns l1 , l2. I try to solve
it using Solve (i could do it by hand but it's quite messy and wanted
to Mathematica to take the trouble).

Solve[{32 k l2 r^2 - 16 l2^2 r^2 +
    l1^2 (ax^2 + ay^2 - 2 ax p0x + p0x^2 - 2 ay p0y + p0y^2 -
       16 r^2) +
    k^2 (nxb^2 + nyb^2 - 2 nxb p0x + p0x^2 - 2 nyb p0y + p0y^2 -
       16 r^2) +
    l1 (-32 l2 r^2 +
       2 k (ax (nxb - p0x) - nxb p0x + p0x^2 + ay (nyb - p0y) -
          nyb p0y + p0y^2 - 16 r^2)) == 0,
  -d^2 l1^2 + l1 (-2 d^2 k - 2 d^2 l2) +
    k^2 (ax^2 + ay^2 - d^2 - 2 ax nxb + nxb^2 - 2 ay nyb + nyb^2) +
    l2^2 (ax^2 + ay^2 - d^2 - 2 ax p0x + p0x^2 - 2 ay p0y + p0y^2) +
    2 k l2 (ax^2 + ay^2 - d^2 + nxb p0x - ax (nxb + p0x) + nyb p0y -
       ay (nyb + p0y)) == 0}, {l1, l2}]

However, the calculation does not stop and seems to run for ever.
Could some one please suggest any modifications i need to do?
Thanks and regards

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