Can't calculate numerical derivative of EllipticTheta
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg82659] Can't calculate numerical derivative of EllipticTheta
- From: Scott Hemphill <hemphill at>
- Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2007 06:06:37 -0400 (EDT)
- Reply-to: hemphill at
I realize that my version of Mathematica is getting a little old. Is this fixed in later releases? In[1]:= $Version Out[1]= 5.1 for Linux (October 25, 2004) In[2]:= pdf[x_,x0_,sig_] := 1/(Sqrt[2Pi]sig) Exp[-(x-x0)^2/(2sig^2)]; In[3]:= Sum[pdf[x,0,sig],{x,-Infinity,Infinity}] 2 -1/(2 sig ) EllipticTheta[3, 0, E ] Out[3]= --------------------------------- Sqrt[2 Pi] sig In[4]:= f[sig_]=%; In[5]:= f'[1.] (0,0,1) Out[5]= -1. + 0.241971 EllipticTheta [3, 0, 0.606531] I expected to see a number on this last line. Scott -- Scott Hemphill hemphill at "This isn't flying. This is falling, with style." -- Buzz Lightyear
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Can't calculate numerical derivative of EllipticTheta
- From: Andrzej Kozlowski <>
- Re: Can't calculate numerical derivative of EllipticTheta