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Multimedia export from Mathematica 6

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg82700] Multimedia export from Mathematica 6
  • From: einschlag at
  • Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 05:31:50 -0500 (EST)

Hi All,

I was impressed by the new capabilities in Mathematica 6 to export 3D
plots and animations in multimedia formats such as JVX, SWF-FLV, etc.

The toy examples work well, apart from too fast motion in SWF-FLV. 3D
plots exported in JVX can be put on web sites and you can rotate them

However, my own "real-live" objects obtained by solution of
differential equations and then combining several plots (for the
beautiful problem of a wheel rolling on a plane) did not work. The JVX
file is stripped of colors, line thicknesses, and axes, while
animations exported in SWF files are crippled and practically do not
move. Export in AVI did not work either.

The only thing that worked is export in animated GIFs that was
possible in the earlier versions of Mathematica.

I have put all examples mentioned above on this page:

Could anybody make working suggestions or we have to wait for future
releases of Mathematica?

Actually animated GIFs are already good but you cannot rotate them as
Java objects. Also flash files can be produced with working controls,
according to Marhematica's help, that makes them potentially superior
to animated GIFs.



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