Frequency response function
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg82755] Frequency response function
- From: Will Robertson <wspr81 at>
- Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 03:36:29 -0500 (EST)
Hello, People have asked in the past for how to plot a power spectral density plot, or a frequency response plot, or whatever you like to call it. Since there isn't an archive of a good solution on this newgroup, here's a quick and basic solution that I just put together: FRF[signal_, tt : {t_, tmin_, tmax_, tstep_}] := Module[{s, list, fft, N, L, freq}, (* Generate the signal and its DFT: *) list = Table[signal, tt]; fft = Abs[Chop@Fourier@list]^2; (* Get the number of samples and throw away the wraparound: *) N = Length[list]; L = If[OddQ[N], (N - 1)/2, N/2]; fft = Take[fft, L]; (* Scale the frequencies and plot the FRF: *) freq = Range[L]/(N tstep); ListLogPlot[Transpose@{freq, fft}, PlotRange -> All, Joined -> True] ] With[{\[Omega] = 2}, FRF[Sin[2 \[Pi] \[Omega] t] + Sin[2 \[Pi] 10 \[Omega] t], {t, 0, 10, 1/50}]] (Modifiable & distributable under the Apache License v2.) Obviously this is just a "first pass" at the many many features that should be added to such a function (such as padding, windowing, support for complex data even!). I don't even know if it works correctly for tmin != 0. I'd be great for people to post their own improvements in this thread. Eventually I might make a package out of the whole thing. (A port of the spectral density routines here would be ideally the best: <http://>) Cheers, Will