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Re: Automated documentation (like javadoc) for packages?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg81234] Re: Automated documentation (like javadoc) for packages?
  • From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
  • Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2007 03:31:56 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fcio8g$4o$>


I have some very basic code that I use to convert usage messages for
symbols in a specified Context into notebooks (or all into one
notebook).  I am happy to share this with you (the functions in
question are documented and undocumented ones in A WorkLife FrameWork
[]).  I use these to generate the
individual functions' documentation for A WorkLife FrameWork, which I
then use AuthorTools to convert into HelpBrowser documents.  I am
happy to share these with you (and anyone else) if you contact me
directly outside of the group.

To include tutorials in the Help Browser (rather than individual
functions' documentation based on their usage messages) you should use
AuthorTools.  Note that AuthorTools is still included in Mathematica
6.  However the AuthorTools palette is not included in the Mathematica
6 distribution (and the AuthorTools documentatoin is not accessible
from the HelpBrowser, but it is still there as a notebook in the
AddOns/Applications/AuthorTools/Documentation/English directory of the
main Mathematica directory), and you will need to use the functional
approach to use AuthorTools' tools.

The next version of A WorkLife FrameWork  will likely contain tools to
create Documentation Center compatible documentation.

I hope that this helps...


A WorkLife FrameWork
E x t e n d i n g MATHEMATICA's Reach...

On Sep 16, 4:07 am, "Kentaroh Takagaki" <kentaroh.takag... at>
> Hello,
> I have a Mathematica package for graphing specialized data, and I plan to
> share this code with others. I am wondering if there is any way to
> automatically generate documentation for the package (similar to javadoc for
> Java), which will parse the .m files for symbol::usage statements,
> Options[symbol] statements, scope, etc.
> Even a rudimentary script would be of great help, and just .nb or html
> output is fine. (It doesn't have to use the Help Browser or new
> Documentation Center). Please let me know if anybody has or knows of a way.
> Thank you,
> Kenta

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