Coupled Map Lattice (Pls. Check the Mathematica Code and advice)
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg81339] Coupled Map Lattice (Pls. Check the Mathematica Code and advice)
- From: B^3 <bbbld at>
- Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 05:40:25 -0400 (EDT)
I am trying a code as per Mathematuca Guide for Graphics.. but not sure wheter it will work or not.. even for low range/iterations it takes tooo long time.................. (the problem is given at the end). Here goes the code: Module[{rang = 500, k = 0.9, omega = 0.068, epsilon = 0.3, incr = 0.2}, step[l_, epsilon_, f_] := (1 - epsilon)f(l) + (epsilon/2) (f[RotateRight[l]] + f[RotateLeft[l]]); f = FractionalPart[# - k/(2Pi)Sin[2Pi#] + omega] &; lembda = Abs[Sin[7^(1/7)Range[rang]]]; tabul = Table[lembda = step[lembda, epsilon, f]; {#, j} & /@ Flatten[Position[Abs[Subtract @@@ Partition[lembda, 2, 1]], _?(# > incr &)]], {j,rang}]; Show[Graphics[Map[Rectangle[# - .5, # + .5] &, tabul, {2}]], AspectRatio -> Automatic]] The Problem: We have a continuous variable x_i(t) at each site i at time t where 1<=i<=N. The evolution of x_i(t) is defined by x_i(t+1) = F[x_i(t)] - (epsilon/2)[x_(i-1)(t) +x_(i+1)(t) - 2x_i(t)] The parameter 'epsilon' is the coupling strength and the function F(x) is the circle map F(x)= x + omega -(k/2*Pi)sin(2*Pi*x) The dynamics is confined to the interval [0,1] using If int[x_i(t)]=m, x_i(t)=x_i(t)-m if x_i(t) >0 x_i(t)=x_i(t)-m+1 if x_i(t)<0 The fixed point solution of for the local map F(x) is given by x* = (1/2*Pi) sin(-1)(2*Pi*omega/k) My Problem is to draw "Space-Time" plot for the system, for say omega=0.068, epsilon=0.3, k=0.9, N=500.