I can't see nothing in the notebook. (V5.2)
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg81412] I can't see nothing in the notebook. (V5.2)
- From: "Rodolfo Allan" <rodolfo.allan at gmail.com>
- Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2007 03:29:48 -0400 (EDT)
I just installed the mathematica 5.2 on my new machine (amd 64 x2) with debian linux with amd64 arch. When I've downloaded the notebook for benchmarking, the notebook freezed, the first page of it appeared but then, when I scroll down, mess it up and I can't read anything, and also I can't ruin the notebook. After it I decided to try something simpler like 1+1 and the I've realized that I can't read what I write, nothing is shown. Someone can help me diagnose the problem? Any ideas? Thanks! Rodolfo -- Rodolfo Sebasti=E3o Estupi=F1=E1n Allan Departamento de Matem=E1tica Instituto de Ci=EAncias Exatas e Naturais/Rondon=F3polis Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso