Dynamically changing 2 interdependent variables.
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg81420] Dynamically changing 2 interdependent variables.
- From: Michael Knap <michael.j.knap at comcast.net>
- Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:26:23 -0400 (EDT)
Ok, I have looked over the Documentation, but I still haven't quite figured out how to do exactly what I want to do. I am working on a Physics app dealing with waves, so I want to be able to input a wave number either expressly, as k, or in terms of lambda. This is the relationship: k = (2 Pi) / lambda . I want to be able to change either variable in a Manipulate[] function, and have the other update appropriately. This is what I have started with: Manipulate[ Dynamic[ Row[{ TraditionalForm[k = (2 Pi)/lam], " = ", TraditionalForm[2 Pi]/TraditionalForm[lam = (2 Pi)/k] }] ], {{k, 1}, .00001, 1}, {{lam, 2 Pi}, 2 Pi, 100} ] Notice how changing the lam slider works as expected. Changing the k slider does not. Any help is appreciated.