"Table" in Mathematica takes too long
- To: mathgroup at smc.vnet.net
- Subject: [mg81610] "Table" in Mathematica takes too long
- From: rspektor <contactme at rspektor.com>
- Date: Sat, 29 Sep 2007 02:28:36 -0400 (EDT)
Hello, I am a fairly inexperienced Mathematica user. I am trying to solve a complex and very complicated equation and generate a list of solutions for variable parameter kx. The equation is in the form DD(kx, w) = 0. Two relevant Mathematica lines from my code are: SOL =Solve[DD == 0, w]; RE1 = Table[Evaluate[Re[w /. SOL]], {ky, kylow, kyhigh, kystep}]; For some reason the last line hangs. I'd attribute it to the complexity of the equation, however the following line works just fine, and produces plot very quickly, Plot[Evaluate[Re[w /. SOL]], {ky, kylow, kyhigh}] Can anyone suggest a way to make the "Table" line work? I need to export the solutions to a different program, so I do need to get to the numbers - looking at the pretty plot is not enough. :) Is there an alternative way to extract the list of solutions, say from the Plot. Thanks!