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Re: Re: Documentation - what is the big secret?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg87557] Re: [mg87526] Re: Documentation - what is the big secret?
  • From: "W_Craig Carter" <ccarter at>
  • Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 03:30:11 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fti3v2$oho$> <ftkbce$b8b$>

> So, I'd really like to know:  why the h-ll did Wolfram (apparently) not
> do this with 6.0?!?  (At least, I have yet to see the results of any
> such effort on amazon.)  A disastrous, or at least highly damaging,
> failure, at least in my opinion.

I am 90% confident that I was told that Wolfram did have outside
beta-testers for 6.0 quite some time prior to release.  (I wish I would have
been one of them--it would have saved me quite a bit of effort).

I believe that it is understandable and perhaps necessary that documentation
would lag behind release of new functions and packages.

I haven't looked at the new doc. for 6.02, but it would be useful to treat
the documention like the integrated data resources (i.e., update as updates
become available).  This would be much less pressure on the authors of new
functions/packages.  Furthermore, there is nothing stopping a usergroup from
developing their own wiki version of supplementary documentation--except
perhaps time and effort.

W. Craig Carter

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