problem during polygon deletion
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg87974] problem during polygon deletion
- From: karlscherer3 at
- Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 06:39:01 -0400 (EDT)
(* I have a bug in my Mathematica program destined for the Wolfram Demonstration Project. Can anyone please give me a hint what I do wrong. The following Mathematica notebook allows the use to create, store and delete polygons. When I hit the "delete last vertex" button or the "delete last polygon" button, it works, but I get strange error messages. Any help would be very much appreciated, please send any answers to k a r l s c h e r e r 3 @ y a h o o . c o . n z (without the gaps). Even someone's email address of a person who could help me would be great. Getting desparate. OK, here is the code: *) ClearAll["Global`*"]; (* -------------- define the orthogonal grid :---------------- *) lx =30; ly=30;(*size of lattice *) rx=Range[lx]; ry=Range[ly]; (* Tuples[list,n] Cell[TextData[{ "generate all possible ", Cell[BoxData[ StyleBox["n", "TI"]], "InlineFormula"], "-tuples of elements from ", Cell[BoxData[ StyleBox["list", "TI"]], "InlineFormula"] }], "TableText"] *)lattice = Point[Tuples [{rx,ry}]]; (* -------------- define the isometric grid :---------------- *) d=1 ;(*horizontal grid spacing *) h=Sqrt[3]/2; (* height of triangles*) lx ; ly=10;(*size of lattice *) rx1= Range[0,lx]; ry1 = 2*h* Range[0,ly]; (* Cell["generate all possible pairs of elements from these lists:", "TableText"] *) lattice1 = Tuples [{rx1,ry1}]; (* lattice 1 *) rx2 = .5 +rx1; ry2= h+ry1; lattice2 = Tuples [{rx2,ry2}]; (* lattice2 *) isolattice = Point[Join[lattice1, lattice2]]; (* -------------- define snap to ortho and isometric grid :---------------- *) osnap[{x_,y_}]:={Floor[x +.5],Floor[y +.5]} isosnap[{p_,q_}]:= With[ {d=Floor[Floor[q+h/2,2 h]-Floor[q+h/2, h]]}, {Floor[p+ (1-d)/2]+d/2,Floor[q+h/2, h]} ] snap[p_]:= If[gridsnap, If[ortho,osnap[p],isosnap[p]], p ] (* --------------manipulate--------------------*) Manipulate[ ClickPane[ Graphics[ { (* ------- draw grid ---------------- *) LightGray, If[grid, If[ortho,lattice,isolattice] ,{} ], (* ------- draw text ---------------- *) Black, {Text[Style["Number of stored polygons:",12],{4,-1}]}, {Text[Style[Length[pols],12],{8.6,-1}]}, {Text[Style["Stored polygons shown:",12],{13.5,-1}]}, {Text[Style[Floor[1/2+ showpols*Length[pols]],12],{17.6,-1}]}, (* -------store a new polygon ---------------- *) If[store, {store=False, If[Length[pts]>0, {pols=AppendTo[pols, pts], polcols=AppendTo[polcols, col1], pts={} }, {}] },{} ], (* ------- draw new points ---------------- *) Black,PointSize[pointsize], Point[pts], (* draw points *) (* ------- draw next polygon ---------------- *) FaceForm[col1], EdgeForm[If[outline,Thin,None]], Opacity[opacity],Polygon[pts], (* ------- draw stored polygons ---------------- *) Table[ If[showpols=B3(i-.5)/Length[pols], {FaceForm[polcols[[i]]],Polygon[pols[[i]]]} ,{}], {i,Length[pols]} ] , (* -------delete current polygon ---------------- *) If[delnew, {delnew=False, pts={} },{} ], (* -------delete all stored polygons ---------------- *) If[delall, {delall=False, pols={},polcols={} },{} ], (* -------delete last vertex of new polygon ---------------- *) If[delvertex, {delvertex=False, If[Length[pts]>0, pts=Delete[pts,-1] ,{}] } ,{}] (* -------delete last shown polygon ---------------- *) If[delmax, {delmax=False, If[Length[pols]>0, With[ {i=Floor[1/2+ showpols*Length[pols]]}, {pols=Delete[pols,i],polcols=Delete[polcols,i]} ],{}] },{}] }, PlotRange=AE{{-.2,18.2},{-2.2, 18.2}} ], (* end graphics *) ( { (* here we act on the mouseclicks (we are in a ClickPane !) *) pts=AppendTo[pts,snap[#]] (* store next vertex *) } )& ], (* end clickpane *) Style["Grid Controls",Bold], {{grid,True,Style["show grid"]},{True,False}}, {{ortho,False,Style["ortho grid"]},{True,False}}, {{gridsnap,True,Style["snap to grid\n"]},{True,False}}, Style["Global Polygon Controls",Bold], {{outline,True,Style["outline"]},{True,False}}, {{opacity,.7,Style["opacity\n"]},0,1,ImageSize=AESmall}, Style["Controls For New Polygon",Bold], {{col1,Cyan,Style["face colour"]},Red,ControlType=AEColorSlider,ImageSize=AESmall}, {{pointsize,.02,Style["pointsize new polygon",Black]}, 0,.03,ControlType=AESlider,ImageSize=AESmall}, {{delvertex,False,Style["delete last vertex"]},{True,False}}, {{delnew,False,Style["delete new polygon"]},{True,False}}, {{store,False,Style["store new polygon\n",Blue,Bold]},{True,False}}, Style["Controls For Stored Polygons",Bold], {{showpols,1,Style["show stored polygons"]},0,1,ImageSize=AESmall}, {{delmax,False,Style["delete last shown"]},{True,False}}, {{delall,False,Style["delete all stored"]},{True,False}}, {{pols,{}},ControlType=AENone}, {{pts,{}},ControlType=AENone}, {{polcols,{}},ControlType=AENone}, ControlPlacement=AELeft, SaveDefinitions=AETrue ] Manipulate[ ClickPane[ Graphics[ { (* ------- draw grid ---------------- *) LightGray, If[grid, If[ortho,lattice,isolattice] ,{} ], (* ------- draw text ---------------- *) Black, {Text[Style["Number of stored polygons:",12],{4,-1}]}, {Text[Style[Length[pols],12],{8.6,-1}]}, {Text[Style["Stored polygons shown:",12],{13.5,-1}]}, {Text[Style[Floor[1/2+ showpols*Length[pols]],12],{17.6,-1}]}, (* -------store a new polygon ---------------- *) If[store, {store=False, If[Length[pts]>0, {pols=AppendTo[pols, pts], polcols=AppendTo[polcols, col1], pts={} }, {}] },{} ], (* ------- draw new points ---------------- *) Black,PointSize[pointsize], Point[pts], (* draw points *) (* ------- draw next polygon ---------------- *) FaceForm[col1], EdgeForm[If[outline,Thin,None]], Opacity[opacity],Polygon[pts], (* ------- draw stored polygons ---------------- *) Table[ If[showpols=B3(i-.5)/Length[pols], {FaceForm[polcols[[i]]],Polygon[pols[[i]]]} ,{}], {i,Length[pols]} ] , (* -------delete current polygon ---------------- *) If[delnew, {delnew=False, pts={} },{} ], (* -------delete all stored polygons ---------------- *) If[delall, {delall=False, pols={},polcols={} },{} ], (* -------delete last vertex of new polygon ---------------- *) If[delvertex, {delvertex=False, If[Length[pts]>0, pts=Delete[pts,-1] ,{}] } ,{}] (* -------delete last shown polygon ---------------- *) If[delmax, {delmax=False, If[Length[pols]>0, With[ {i=Floor[1/2+ showpols*Length[pols]]}, {pols=Delete[pols,i],polcols=Delete[polcols,i]} ],{}] },{}] }, PlotRange=AE{{-.2,18.2},{-2.2, 18.2}} ], (* end graphics *) ( { (* here we act on the mouseclicks (we are in a ClickPane !) *) pts=AppendTo[pts,snap[#]] (* store next vertex *) } )& ], (* end clickpane *) Style["Grid Controls",Bold], {{grid,True,Style["show grid"]},{True,False}}, {{ortho,False,Style["ortho grid"]},{True,False}}, {{gridsnap,True,Style["snap to grid\n"]},{True,False}}, Style["Global Polygon Controls",Bold], {{outline,True,Style["outline"]},{True,False}}, {{opacity,.7,Style["opacity\n"]},0,1,ImageSize=AESmall}, Style["Controls For New Polygon",Bold], {{col1,Cyan,Style["face colour"]},Red,ControlType=AEColorSlider,ImageSize=AESmall}, {{pointsize,.02,Style["pointsize new polygon",Black]}, 0,.03,ControlType=AESlider,ImageSize=AESmall}, {{delvertex,False,Style["delete last vertex"]},{True,False}}, {{delnew,False,Style["delete new polygon"]},{True,False}}, {{store,False,Style["store new polygon\n",Blue,Bold]},{True,False}}, Style["Controls For Stored Polygons",Bold], {{showpols,1,Style["show stored polygons"]},0,1,ImageSize=AESmall}, {{delmax,False,Style["delete last shown"]},{True,False}}, {{delall,False,Style["delete all stored"]},{True,False}}, {{pols,{}},ControlType=AENone}, {{pts,{}},ControlType=AENone}, {{polcols,{}},ControlType=AENone}, ControlPlacement=AELeft, SaveDefinitions=AETrue ]