Re: Probably memory problem
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg88091] Re: Probably memory problem
- From: David Bailey <dave at>
- Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:57:41 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <fumr02$sef$>
Alejandra Lozada wrote: > Dear MathGroup, > > _____________________________________ > Question: > Do anyone knows if using the palletes (Alebraic Manipulation, > BasicMathInput, > BasicTypesetting) in Mathematica 6 needs more stack memory that writing > algebra in full form? > ______________________________________ > Problem: > > I am interested in check an equality: > > Side 1= Side 2 of the form: > > 24*n*y*y=-4*b+2*v*z-v*v/k*e^z > > With y,b,v,z,k,n variables which all but n > are veeeeeery long expressions of the form: > y:= > b:= > etc... > and to make them look shorter I defined other > expressions, so that y, b, v, etc, need > other expressions to be complete. > > I know that the equality is analitically true, but > I get using TrueQ(side 1, side2), PossibleZeroQ, > that the equality is False. > __________________________________________ > > Options: > So, I think that the problem could be in: > - Lack of memory, because Mathematica stops evaluating > the notebook after the 16th definition, > although I asked Mathematica about the memory used: > MemoryInUse= 6,314,760 bites just before it stopped > evaluating the notebook but I think Mathematica=B4s limit > is about 19,654,528 bites. > -Maybe I do not have enough computer memory, but > I have 1GBite of RAM=1,073,741,824 bites. > -Maybe I did not write well the definitions. > ___________________________________________ > > > Any comments or suggestions will be very appreciated, :) > thank you very much in advance, > > Alejandra Lozada > > It really doesn't sound as though this is a memory problem, perhaps you should post a link to a copy of the notebook and let someone look at it. David Bailey