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Re: Converting Mathematica code to C++

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg88259] Re: Converting Mathematica code to C++
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 04:22:40 -0400 (EDT)

On 4/29/08 at 6:51 AM, cbrummitt at (Charlie Brummitt) wrote:

>Hi all, I am considering running my research project on a computer
>cluster on campus. However, the computer cluster requires the
>programs to be in C++, and I've already coded much of the project in
>Mathematica. Do converters such as MathCode C++
><> work well?
>Or do I need to re-write everything in C++ (not to mention learn how
>to code in C++)?

Tools like that work up to a point. How well they work will
depend greatly on the Mathematica code you've written. If that
code makes extensive use of built-in functions such as say
DSolve or NDSolve, these tools won't be very useful too you.
Simply put, you cannot expect any of these tools to output C++
code for specialized Mathematica functions.

>If it's relevant, my project calculates the Lyapunov exponents of
>partial differential equations, and the goal is to find the simplest
>chaotic PDE.

It isn't the overall application that matters. It is the
specifics of what functions you use that matter.

>I'm considering trying Intel's Compiler 10.1 for MacOSX, but I am
>very reluctant to abandon Mathematica to learn to use Intel's
>interface and others' PDE solvers in C++.

Understandable since this would not be a trivial undertaking
especially if you have to re-implement something equivalent to
Mathematica's NDSolve or some other specialized function.

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