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Re: Converting Mathematica code to C++

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg88273] Re: Converting Mathematica code to C++
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 04:25:10 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <fv6up4$rph$>

Hi Charlie,

I would advice you to request an evaluation copy. Then you can try to 

translate some code yourself. I think that is the only reliable way to 

see if it fits your needs or not. I did this myself 2 years ago and at 

this time I was not satisfied. But 2 year is a long time and it is quit 

probable that the product matured now.


Charlie Brummitt wrote:

> Hi all,

> I am considering running my research project on a computer cluster on

> campus. However, the computer cluster requires the programs to be in C++,

> and I've already coded much of the project in Mathematica. Do converters

> such as MathCode C++

> <> work

> well? Or do I need to re-write everything in C++ (not to mention learn how

> to code in C++)?


> If it's relevant, my project calculates the Lyapunov exponents of partial

> differential equations, and the goal is to find the simplest chaotic PDE.


> I'm considering trying Intel's Compiler 10.1 for MacOSX, but I am very

> reluctant to abandon Mathematica to learn to use Intel's interface and

> others' PDE solvers in C++.


> Thanks to infinity,


> Charlie Brummitt

> University of Wisconsin - Madison



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