MathGroup Archive 2008

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MASH: Mathematica Scripting Hack

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg91611] MASH: Mathematica Scripting Hack
  • From: "dreeves at" <dreeves at>
  • Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 04:10:45 -0400 (EDT)

Nine years ago I proposed a command line option to the kernel, -
script, that would let you use mathematica like perl or python or ruby
or any scripting language.  Ie, you could have a standalone
mathematica program that could be run from the command line with
command line arguments and process stdin and write to stderr and
stdout and thus be used in a pipeline with other programs or be called
as a simple system call from other languages.

I wrote a mathlink program called MASH that gave mathematica this
functionality in the meantime.  Mathematica is getting close but the
dream of math -script is still unrealized.  Now, however, instead of a
whole mathlink program, the following perl script suffices, which I
humbly offer to the community:

And here's a sample mathematica script:

Thanks to everyone who expressed their appreciation for the original
MASH.  I think you'll find this incarnation much better.

Daniel Reeves

--  - -  search://"Daniel Reeves"

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