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Circular Arrow

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg94700] Circular Arrow
  • From: Hugh Goyder <h.g.d.goyder at>
  • Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 06:24:09 -0500 (EST)

Using version 7 I am attempting to draw the graphics below. The
problem is the circular arrow. I get the circular shaft but the arrow
head is disconnected. How is the arrow head aligned and how do I get
it back onto the shaft?

As an aside the graphic is large so that when I copy it as a bitmap
the antialiasing does not effect the type face. I shrink the graphic
after I have copied it. Is there a better way of doing this?

Hugh Goyder

With[{d = 41.3, L = 100.8},
    Arrowheads[Appearance -> "Projected"],
         Cylinder[{{-(L/2), 0, 0}, {L/2, 0, 0}}, d/2],
     Line[{{3*(-(L/2)), 0, 0}, {3*(L/2), 0, 0}}],
         Arrow[{{0, d, 0}, {0, 5*d, 0}}],
     Arrow[{{0, 0, 0.6*d}, {0, 0, 2*d}}],
     Arrow[{{0, 0, -0.6*d}, {0, 0, -2*d}}],
         Arrow[{{0, -0.6*d, 0}, {0, -2*d, 0}}],

     Arrow[Table[{L, 0.3*d*Cos[\[Theta]],
        0.3*d*Sin[\[Theta]]}, {\[Theta], Pi/4, 4*(Pi/2), Pi/50}]]},
         Text["Direction\nof motion", {0, 5*d, 0}, {0, -1.5}],
     Text["Lift", {0, 0, 2*d}, {0, -2}],
         Text["Weight", {0, 0, -2*d}, {0, 2}],
     Text["Drag", {0, -2*d, 0}, {0, -2}],
     Text["Direction\nof spin", {L, 0, -0.5*d},
           {0, 0}]},
    Boxed -> False,
    BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Times", FontSize -> 48},
   ImageSize -> 72*32
  Antialiasing -> True]

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