Re: changing color of non-evaluatable cell
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85248] Re: changing color of non-evaluatable cell
- From: dflatin at
- Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 03:11:49 -0500 (EST)
- References: <fnuh12$9lr$> <>
On Feb 2, 11:38 pm, Murray Eisenberg <mur... at> wrote: > It's always nice to be able to save one mouse movement/click! (An > instance of the Archimedean Ordering Property: if you add a very small > number to itself enough times, you can get an arbitrary large large > number. Or, one-time U.S. Senator Everett M. Dirkson is alleged to have= > said about government spending, "A billion here, a billion there, and > pretty soon you're talking about REAL money.") > > So I added the obvious thing to the buttons so now the palette also > offers the option to close or open the cell. > > When using CreatePalette upon a Grid with the four buttons, I evaluated: > > Options[CreatePalette] > > It's an awesomely long list! > > > > dr DanW wrote: > > On Feb 1, 1:16 am, Makinator <luvly.jubbly.makina... at> wrot= e: > >> Please could someone help me, > >> I would like to to set-up mathematica's notebook to automatically > >> change color to some custom color, when I set this cell as non- > >> evaluatable. And vice versa, when I set it to evaluatable to change > >> color to default. > > >> THX > > > I have created buttons that simultaneously change the Evaluatable > > option and a visible attribute of the cell and put the buttons in a > > palette that is always on my screen. Of course, if you change > > Evaluatable from the menu, the cells appearance will change in sync, > > so you always have to use the buttons to turn it on or off. > > > I have found that changing the Opacity of the cell to 50% works well > > when I set Evaluatable->False. It lets me see the syntax highlighting= > > and the dim appearance makes it clear that it does nothing (well, it > > looks dim on a Mac. On Windows XP, it just looks a little foggy.) > > Here is the code for creating the two buttons: > > > EvaluateButton = Button["Cell Evaluatable", > > SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], All, > > Cell]; SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]], > > Evaluatable -> True, Opacity -> 1]; , Appearance -> "Palette= ", > > ImageSize -> Small]; > > > NotEvaluateButton = Button["Cell Not Evaluatable", > > SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], All, > > Cell]; SetOptions[NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]], > > Evaluatable -> False, Opacity -> 0.5]; , Appearance -> > > "Palette", > > ImageSize -> Small]; > > > In both cases, the button function makes sure that the whole cell is > > selected, then sets Evaluatable and Opacity. > > > Put these buttons in a Grid[] and use CreatePalette[], then save the > > resulting palette. > > -- > Murray Eisenberg mur... at math.umass= .edu > Mathematics & Statistics Dept. > Lederle Graduate Research Tower phone 413 549-1020 (H) > University of Massachusetts 413 545-2859 (W= ) > 710 North Pleasant Street fax 413 545-1801 > Amherst, MA 01003-9305 I don't know if it is an idiosyncrasy of the front end, but perhaps the CellOpen property is not defined until it is written to, so I have set the default action to close it with the toggle button, since that will be the usual action. ToggleEvaluateButton = Button[ Style["Toggle Evaluatable", 9], Module[{ns}, SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], All, Cell]; ns = NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]]; If[Evaluatable /. Options[ns], SetOptions[ns, Evaluatable -> False, Opacity -> 0.5], SetOptions[ns, Evaluatable -> True, Opacity -> 1] ] ], Appearance -> "Palette" ]; ToggleOpenCellButton = Button[ Style["Toggle Open/Close", 9], Module[{ns}, SelectionMove[SelectedNotebook[], All, Cell]; ns = NotebookSelection[InputNotebook[]]; If[CellOpen /. Options[ns], SetOptions[ns, CellOpen -> False], SetOptions[ns, CellOpen -> True], SetOptions[ns, CellOpen -> False] (* when in doubt, close it *) ] ], Appearance -> "Palette" ]; CreatePalette[Column[{ToggleEvaluateButton, ToggleOpenCellButton}]]
- References:
- Re: changing color of non-evaluatable cell
- From: dr DanW <>
- Re: changing color of non-evaluatable cell