Reducing marginis in Graphics3D
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85382] Reducing marginis in Graphics3D
- From: Steve Gray <stevebg at>
- Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 22:32:30 -0500 (EST)
After I delete the Box in Graphics3D and get almost the display I want, it's surrounded by lots of blank background, making the image too big with no information at top and bottom or left and right. Is there a way to reduce this either at creation time or by clipping it later (excluding making it into a bitmap - makes the display too crude when pasting it into Word)? I've tried changing ImageMargins but it has no effect. Also various Options have no effect. Must they be listed in some particular order? For example Background->White seems to work only if it's last among the options. Thank you for any information. Steve Gray