Re: What's the new "Code" Style?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85526] Re: What's the new "Code" Style?
- From: David Reiss <dbreiss at>
- Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 04:19:26 -0500 (EST)
- References: <fopajq$b0r$>
Hi... Search the archives of this group (under my login if you wish). This has been covered a few times. For example: thread/5db307336214aed1/e856569e98cbdbe9 Best, David On Feb 11, 6:12=A0am, AES <sieg... at> wrote: > In the transition from earlier versions to 6.0, the Cmd-8 style in the > Default Format was changed from something like "Small Text" (if I'm > remembering correctly) to a style called "Code", which appears to > function like "Input" but is formatted differently. > > What is this style? -- what's its purpose or objective? -- how does it > differ from Input? > > [And for those of you who've been following my ongoing rants against > Mathematica 6 documentation -- or lack of same -- a challenge: =A0Don't > answer the above questions, but instead show me how a novice or ordinary > user could find the answer to them, using what knowledge they might be > expected to have, and the Mathematica Help menu item. =A0 > > You'll find that looking for "Input" in the Find Selected Function menu > command brings up an immediate and informative answer. =A0Looking for > "Code", however, brings up 356 entries -- spread over 36 pages that you > have to click through in sequence -- and this list is not alphabetized.]