Re: Equation reference
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85621] Re: Equation reference
- From: dh <dh at>
- Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2008 06:52:27 -0500 (EST)
- References: <fp1a3i$h8o$>
Hi Stefan, here are the necessary steps: 1) choose a style sheet that has numbered styles like: EquationNumbered, FormulaNumbered or similar defined. 2) Choose the cell bracket of your equation and change the style to a numbered style. This already works for simple cases. However, if you have more than one sequence of numbers or if you want to refer to your equation at another place, you must specify a cell tag. This is done by: 3) select the cell bracket. Choose menu: Cell/Cell Tags/Add/RemoveCell Tags.. Enter a unique name in the field: Cell Tag. Press "Add". Close If you want to refer in the text to this equation: 4) place the cursor where you want to have the reference. 5) Menu: Insert/Automatic Numbering... 6) in the field: "Counter" select the style of your equation cell 7) in the list with cell tags click on the cell tag of your equation. It should now appear in the smaller filed above.Click o.k. Note that sometimes at first a zero is shown instead of the correct reference, but this will correct itself as soon as new input is given. hope this helps, Daniel Stefan Porubsky wrote: > Hello, > > can somebody help me how to insert a reference to a numbered displayed > equation in the default Mathematica style? Thanks. > > Stefan >