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option to fix the speed of exported avi file

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg85956] option to fix the speed of exported avi file
  • From: Alexei Boulbitch <Alexei.Boulbitch at>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 02:58:54 -0500 (EST)

I would like to ask, if when exporting a list of graphics into avi 
movie, Mathematica has an option that enables to decrease (or in 
general, to fix) a speed with which the movie will be then played 
outside the Mathematica? My problem is the following.
I made a movie from a set of imax graphic images (denoted as graph[i] 
below) as follows:


This however, yields a movie which is played too rapidly. I tried to 
slow the movie down by making a list in which each image is included 
several times as follows:

tab=Flatten[Table[{graph[i], graph[i], ...graph[i]},{i,1,imax}]];

This helps, but produces a too large avi file. Is there a better way?
Thank you,

Alexei Boulbitch, Dr., habil.
Senior Scientist
Material Development,
ZAE Weiergewan
11, rue Edmond Reuter,
L-5326 Contern,
Tel.: +352 2454-2566
Fax:  +352 2454-3566
e-mail: alexei.boulbitch at

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