- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg85972] Magnification?
- From: AES <siegman at>
- Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:20:53 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: Stanford University
1) Changing the magnification value in the small drop-down menu at the bottom left of a notebook window obviously magnifies the on-screen display (but presumably NOT the printed page contents resulting from a Print command?) For example, select all the cells in a NB; set this magnification number to, say, 150%; the whole notebook expands as above. 2) Now, type the word Magnification into a new Input cell, then select *anything* else in the NB -- another cell, a word in another cell, all the cells in the NB; then again change the magnification value in the little bottom drop-down menu: **Only the word Magnification in that one input cell changes (even though it's no longer selected). Nothing else -- including any other selection you make -- changes size.** In fact, you can run the word Magnification way up, or way down, in size this way. The value in the little menu and the size of the word Magnification in the one NB cell change to various values; the rest of notebook doesn't change at all. At least that's what I'm seeing, right now . . . 3) OK, now shrink the Magnification word to 50% as above, leaving the rest of the NB at, say, 150% (though the little menu says 50%). Then select all cells; go to the Format >> Magnification menu; and select various values, say 100%, then 200%, etc. **The entire notebook changes to those new sizes -- including the word Magnification, which jumps into sync with rest of notebook and follows along through all size changes.** 4) Having done the preceding, leave the display at some new size; select all cells; then return to the little drop-down menu at the bottom of the NB window and try to further change NB magnification from there, as you had done earlier. Result: **The little magnification menu has now apparently ceased to function AT ALL: Neither the entire NB nor the word Magnification any longer change size (though the number in the menu field changes value appropriately).** ----- At this point, I give up . . .