Re: Ticks question
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg90156] Re: Ticks question
- From: Januk <ggroup at>
- Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 06:57:40 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <g4a6ta$8tv$>
Here is one option to answer your first question: pl1 = ParametricPlot[{.05 Sin[t], .03 Cos[5 t]}, {t, 0, 2 \[Pi]}, PlotRange -> All]; CustomTicks[pl1_Graphics, xticks_Integer: 10, yticks_Integer: 10, opts___?OptionQ] := Module[{pr, xmin, xmax, dx, xrng, rdx, ymin, ymax, dy, yrng, rdy, xtickloc, ytickloc}, pr = PlotRange /. AbsoluteOptions[pl1, PlotRange]; {xmin, xmax} = pr[[1]]; xrng = xmax - xmin; dx = xrng/xticks; rdx = RealDigits[dx, 10, 1]; xtickloc = Round[#, 10.^(rdx[[2]] - 3)] &@ Table[i, {i, xmin + dx/2, xmax - dx/2, dx}]; {ymin, ymax} = pr[[2]]; yrng = ymax - ymin; dy = yrng/yticks; rdy = RealDigits[dy, 10, 1]; ytickloc = Round[#, 10.^(rdy[[2]] - 3)] &@ Table[i, {i, ymin + dy/2, ymax - dy/2, dy}]; Show[pl1, opts, Ticks -> {xtickloc, ytickloc}] ] CustomTicks[pl1, 5, 3] Hope that helps. Januk On Jun 30, 4:52 am, Aaron Fude <aaronf... at> wrote: > Hi, > > Can't figure out: how does one ask for a certain number of tick marks > without knowing what the range of the x-axis is as in ParametricPlot? > > For example, I want 4 tick marks. > > On a related note, suppose I want no tick marks but instead want to > only see an indication of the range shown. How do I accomplish that? > Perhaps it could be accomplished by having a single tick mark? > > Thanks!