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Re: Ticks question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90183] Re: Ticks question
  • From: Jean-Marc Gulliet <jeanmarc.gulliet at>
  • Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 07:02:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • References: <g4a6ta$8tv$>

Aaron Fude wrote:

> Can't figure out: how does one ask for a certain number of tick marks
> without knowing what the range of the x-axis is as in ParametricPlot?
> For example, I want 4 tick marks.
> On a related note, suppose I want no tick marks but instead want to
> only see an indication of the range shown. How do I accomplish that?
> Perhaps it could be accomplished by having a single tick mark?

You can extract the plot range for the x- and/or y-axis by pattern 
matching (look a the FullForm of the graph, which is a Mathematica 
expression since everything is an expression in Mathematica, to 
understand why the Cases works).

Then, simple arithmetic will give the position and labels of the tick 
marks depending on the number of marks you want. Note that you may have 
to massage theses numbers with functions such as Round (or use one of 
the many variations of Ticks to control labels and length; see "Moe 
Information" for Ticks on the online help).

g = ParametricPlot[{Sin[u], Sin[2 u]}, {u, 0, 2 Pi}];
xr = Flatten@Cases[g, Rule[PlotRange, {x_, y_}] -> x, Infinity]
Show[g, Ticks -> {xr, Automatic}]
xr = Range[Min@xr, Max@xr, (Max@xr - Min@xr)/10]
Show[g, Ticks -> {xr, Automatic}]

Note that if you have of function of two parameters, you would have to 
use FrameTicks rather than Ticks, since the plot is displayed by default 
within a frame.

g = ParametricPlot[
    r^2 { Sqrt[t] Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 3 Pi/2}, {r, 1, 2}];
xr = Flatten@Cases[g, Rule[PlotRange, {x_, y_}] -> x, Infinity]
Show[g, FrameTicks -> {xr, Automatic, None, None}]
xr = Round[Range[Min@xr, Max@xr, (Max@xr - Min@xr)/4]]
Show[g, FrameTicks -> {xr, Automatic, None, None}]

-- Jean-Marc

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