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Re: exporting from mathematica to a poster

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90355] Re: exporting from mathematica to a poster
  • From: Bob F <deepyogurt at>
  • Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 05:06:05 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <g4q9lm$e7l$>

On Jul 6, 5:18 am, Ramiro Barrantes-Reynolds <rbarr... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am making a poster (40x40inches) and would like to include some  
> derivations and results from mathematica.  I tried to export to jpg  
> and tiff at different resolutions, but have no idea how they will look =
> when printed.  Anybody have experience with this or suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Ramiro


I tried a simple example of some formulas in a notebook, saved it as a
postscript file in Mathematica. Then in Photoshop created a new
document that was 40"x40" with 300 dpi. Then opened the postscript
file saved from Mathematica and told Photoshop that it too was at 300
dpi (or ppi - pixels per inch) so it was the same as the 40"x40"
document, and then in Photoshop selected the area of the postscript
file I wanted to put in the large document, and did a copy (Edit/Copy
in Photoshop or Command-C on a Mac or CTRL-C on a Windows) of this.
Then pasted this into the 40"x40" document as a separate layer and
moved to where I wanted. The quality of the text was very good when
displayed at full size. You would then need to send this to some large
plotter capable of printing this large of an image.

For large items bigger than a normal page (wider or taller), I created
a special page size in Mathematica (File/Pinting Settings/Page Setup)
that was large enough to hold my really wide equations (didn't try a
really tall but would expect it to work as well) and then printed the
notebook as a PDF file using this newly defined custom page size (this
requires you to have a PDF creation capability like Acrobat Pro).

I also just saved the really wide Mathematica notebook as a PDF file
and then opened with Photoshop and did a "Select/All" and did a copy
then pasted into the 40x40 file and it looked fine, so maybe this
might be the better way as you don't need the Acrobat software.

I think the problem you might have is if one of the components you are
creating in Mathematica is larger (taller or wider) than a normal page
(8.5"x11") because Mathematica is not good at WYSIWIG printing. But
using Mathematica to build smaller images and then assembling them
together with Photoshop might give a chance to make it appear that
these larger components come out correctly.

Hope this helps a little ...



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