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Re: Labeled Plot not a Plot?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90654] Re: Labeled Plot not a Plot?
  • From: Bill Rowe <readnews at>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2008 04:00:35 -0400 (EDT)

On 7/17/08 at 5:36 AM, siegman at (AES) wrote:

>I guess, "What M6 does is what M6 does," and one just has to get used
>to it, and then (all too often, these days) figure out how to work
>around it somehow.

>In the present case, I add the label to the plot because that's what
>I want on the exported graphic, which goes in my files and may be
>used for publications, slides, reports, class notes.  I like to do
>this using Labeled because it's a convenient approach, easy to code,
>and effective.

In the past, you have indicated you are a long time Mathematica
user. Surely, you have used versions previous to 6 to do this
task. Labeled was introduced in version 6. If it is doing what
you need, why not do what you have previously done? While use of
Labeled may well be simpler and more effective in a Mathematica
notebook, if it isn't adequate for your end use, are you really
saving time and effort by using Labeled?

>[And by the way, AFAIK PlotLabel can't put a label anywhere except
>top center, and modifies the size of the plot itself depending on
>the label; and Plain TeX, which I use, has no \caption{}.]

Yes, this is a limitation of PlotLabel. But I can create the
effect of a plot label at say the bottom with a bit of effort on
my part. For example,

     Plot[x, {x, 0, 1}, Frame -> True], {0, 0}, {0, 0}, 1],
    Text[Style["Plot of x", 14], Scaled at {.49, .09}]},
  PlotRange -> {{-.1, 1.01}, {-.18, 1.05/GoldenRatio}}]

  And since Show returns something with head Graphics, you
should have no problem exporting the result to PDF.

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