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Re: Running programs from the command line in Mathematica

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90837] Re: Running programs from the command line in Mathematica
  • From: Steven Siew <stevensiew2 at>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2008 06:19:27 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <g670kr$s30$>


  If you do not mind me asking. What is idl?

  Also, can you try this:




  Thank you

Steven Siew

On Jul 23, 8:20 pm, Josh Burkart <jburk... at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Basically, I would like to run the following command from Mathematica:
> idl /users/burkart/idlpro/autoexportdata.bat
> If I type this command into a terminal (I'm running Mac OSX Leopard), it =
works perfectly well. However, if I try the same thing using Mathematica's =
Run[] command, it does not execute and I get the following result:
> In[9]:= Run["idl /users/burkart/idlpro/autoexportdata.bat"]
> Out[9]= 32512
> The error code Run[] produces is the same every time and I don't know wha=
t it means (might be OS-specific). The command, when executed from the term=
inal, is designed to self-quit after finishing. Is there some way to do wha=
t I'm trying to do?
> Thanks in advance,
> Josh Burkart

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