Re: Multidimensional FITS files
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg90841] Re: Multidimensional FITS files
- From: Frank Iannarilli <frankeye at>
- Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2008 04:20:04 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <g6c9ao$bv1$>
Hi, I confirm the problem (6.0.3, WinXP): I downloaded this file to try it as well (geeze, couldn't you have chosen a smaller example??). In> fitsElementsNames=Import["CGPS_MB2_HI_line_image.\ fits.gz",{"GZIP","FITS", "Elements"}] Out> {Airmass,Author,BitDepth,ColorSpace,Comments,Data,DataType,\ Declination,Device,Equinox,ExposureTime,Graphics,History,HourAngle,\ ImageSize,Metadata,Object,ObservationDate,Observer,Organization,\ Plaintext,Range,RawData,Reference,RightAscension,SiderealTime,\ TableData,TableHeaders,TableUnits,Telescope} In> fitsElements=Import["CGPS_MB2_HI_line_image.\ fits.gz",{"GZIP","FITS", fitsElementsNames}] Out> Import::errstruct: Malformed data structure. Missing required keyword \ BITPIX. >> $Failed In> bitdepth=Import["CGPS_MB2_HI_line_image.\ fits.gz",{"GZIP","FITS", {"BitDepth"}}] Out> Import::errstruct: Malformed data structure. Missing required keyword \ BITPIX. >> $Failed This happens for various permutations of above, e.g., {"GZIP","FITS", {BitDepth}} {"GZIP","FITS", BitDepth} {"GZIP","FITS", "BitDepth"} DataType, et cet. I also viewed the file using fv.exe (NASA FITS viewer, and confirmed that BITPIX=16. Here's a header dump: SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 4 / number of data axes NAXIS1 = 1024 / length of data axis 1 NAXIS2 = 1024 / length of data axis 2 NAXIS3 = 272 / length of data axis 3 NAXIS4 = 1 / length of data axis 4 EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENT FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and COMMENT Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359, v73/p365. COMMENT Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the COMMENT FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information. BLANK = -32767 / UNDEFINED PIXEL VALUE (FITS DATA) DATE-FTS= '2000-11-20' / DATE OF FITS FILE CREATION OBJECT = 'CGPS Mosaic MB2' / OBJECT NAME ADC_ARCH= 'CGPS ' / DATA CENTRE ARCHIVE ADC_TYPE= 'MOSAIC ' / TYPE OF IMAGE: FIELD/MOSAIC ADC_AREA= 'MB2 ' / IMAGE AREA CODE IMAG_DES= 'HI line cube' / IMAGE DESCRIPTION ADC_BAND= 'HI ' / SPECTRAL BAND ADC_UNIT= 'line ' / BAND UNITS, OR DESCRIPTOR ADC_POLR= ' ' / STOKES CODE, BLANK = VARIOUS ADC_QUAL= 'image ' / IMAGE-TYPE QUALIFIER ORIGIN = 'CGPS Consortium' / FITS WRITING INSTITUTION INSTRUME= 'DRAO ST ' / DATA ACQUISITION INSTRUMENT OBSERVER= 'CGPS Consortium' / OBSERVER NAME/ID DATE-OBS= '1999-01-01' / MEAN DATE OF OBSERVATION DATE-GPS= '2000-11-20' / DATE OF RELEASE TO CGPS CONSORTIUM PUB_RELD= '2000-11-20' / PUBLIC RELEASE DATE BUNIT = 'K (Tb) ' / BRIGHTNESS UNITS OBSFREQ = 1.420406000000E+09 / OBSERVING FREQUENCY (HZ) CTYPE1 = 'GLON-CAR' / X COORDINATE TYPE CRVAL1 = 1.247500000000E+02 / REF. X COORD. VALUE (DEG) CRPIX1 = 513.00 / REF. X PIXEL CDELT1 = -4.9999990E-03 / DELTA X (DEG) CROTA1 = 0.00 / X ROTATION ANGLE (DEG) CTYPE2 = 'GLAT-CAR' / Y COORDINATE TYPE CRVAL2 = 3.000000000000E+00 / REF. Y COORD. VALUE (DEG) CRPIX2 = 513.00 / REF. Y PIXEL CDELT2 = 4.9999990E-03 / DELTA Y (DEG) CROTA2 = 0.00 / Y ROTATION ANGLE (DEG) CTYPE3 = 'VELO-LSR' / Z COORDINATE TYPE CRVAL3 = -6.000000000000E+04 / Z REF. LSR VELOCITY (M/S) CRPIX3 = 145.00 / REF. Z PIXEL CDELT3 = -8.2446002E+02 / DELTA Z (M/S) CROTA3 = 0.00 / Z ROTATION ANGLE (DEG) CTYPE4 = 'STOKES ' / 4TH COORDINATE TYPE CRVAL4 = 1.000000000000E+00 / REF. COORD. 1-4=I,Q,U,V CRPIX4 = 1.00 / REF. PIXEL CDELT4 = 1.0000000E+00 / DELTA COORD. CROTA4 = 0.00 / ROTATION ANGLE (DEG) BZERO = -2.654173583984E+02 / DATA=FITS*BSCALE+BZERO BSCALE = 1.628218207000E-02 / DATA=FITS*BSCALE+BZERO DATAMIN = -7.9365326E+02 / MINIMUM PIXEL VALUE DATAMAX = 2.6281854E+02 / MAXIMUM PIXEL VALUE MINCOL = 793 / COLUMN POSITION OF MIN VALUE MAXCOL = 423 / COLUMN POSITION OF MAX VALUE MINROW = 1014 / ROW POSITION OF MIN VALUE MAXROW = 758 / ROW POSITION OF MAX VALUE MINFIL = 83 / IMAGE (IN FITS FILE) OF MIN VALUE MAXFIL = 272 / IMAGE (IN FITS FILE) OF MAX VALUE HISTORY > HISTORY ********************************************************************* HISTORY The data in this FITS file have been produced by the Canadian Galactic HISTORY Plane Survey (CGPS) Consortium. The CGPS is supported by the National HISTORY Research Council Canada and the Natural Sciences and Engineering HISTORY Research Council of Canada. These data are released to the public for HISTORY scientific research and educational purposes. The CGPS Consortium has HISTORY made very reasonable efforts to produce accurate data, but no warranty HISTORY is expressed or implied as to the suitability of the data for any HISTORY particular purpose. Users are requested to include the following HISTORY acknowledgement in publications making use of CGPS data: HISTORY > HISTORY "The Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) is a Canadian project with HISTORY international partners. The Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory HISTORY is operated as a national facility by the National Research Council HISTORY Canada. The CGPS is supported by a grant from the Natural Sciences HISTORY and Engineering Research Council of Canada." HISTORY > HISTORY General information on the CGPS may be obtained from the CGPS public HISTORY web site and queries regarding the HISTORY CGPS or its data may be addressed to cgps at . HISTORY > HISTORY More detailed comments regarding the data in this FITS file may be HISTORY found in a "readme" file which accompanies this data release. HISTORY ********************************************************************* HISTORY > HISTORY The file definition included the comment: HISTORY MB2 HISTORY > HISTORY > HISTORY Channels 1-18 and 272 are contaminated by mosaicing HISTORY artifacts and/or are blank channels. CHECKSUM= 'ZSA9fR26ZR96fR96' / encoded HDU checksum updated on 20/11/00 DATASUM = '3004591013' / data unit checksum updated on 20/11/00 END