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Constructing vector using table

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg90953] Constructing vector using table
  • From: "Prateek K Jha" <scientistjha at>
  • Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 06:03:15 -0400 (EDT)

I am trying to create a vector using "Table" in which I enter a
function that depends on other functions. An excerpt from the code is:

u2[i_] := 1 + Log[\[CapitalPhi][[i]]];
un[i_] :=
  Switch[IntegerPart[i/(m + 1)], 0, u1n[i], 1, u2[i], 2, u2[i]];

U = Table[un[i], {i, 1, 3*m}] // MatrixForm;


Everything runs fine and even the vector is generated when I see the
form of U. But, I am not able to do any operations on this matrix
(like inverse, transpose etc). Even the Dimensions[U] give me 1 while
it should be 60.

Please help me through if you can. If I am not clear or you need more
info, please let me know


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