Show and 6.0
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg89425] Show and 6.0
- From: AES <siegman at>
- Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 02:28:55 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: Stanford University
I believe I've more or less fully grasped the explanation of what Show[] now does in 6.0 that's been repeatedly restated in all the recent and earlier responses to all the repeated plaintive posts about ""Why doesn't my plot appear?!?" --- and this explanation actually make reasonable sense to me. [It's less obvious, however, how someone is suppose to know that Print[]; _will_ print something on screen, but Show[]; _won't_ show anything on screen. Read the Helps for these two commands and see the help pages make this obvious to you) I'm less sure that these expert respondents -- and also WRI -- have grasped _why_ these recurrent queries keep recurring; so led me add a few (5 actually) responses myself on that point (though it will make for a long post): 1) I suggest the primary problem is a deeper, long-standing, and quite understandable misunderstanding of compound expressions, and especially the role of semicolons in compound expressions. To quote, for example, from one of the recent "Plot and Show[]" responses, posted by someone who's often on this group: > In general, a semi-colon is used to separate the parts of a compound > expression Well, the correct response to that response is "NOT!", right? Or at least, "not entirely". That is to say, is the primary function of a semicolon to separate the parts of compound expressions? -- or is it to suppress output from an expression? And is it always necessary between two expressions? I've thought for all my years with Mathematica that you _had_ to put semicolons between two successive expressions on the same line or in the same cell, except for the very last line in the cell. And, I guess I deduced that this made sense and was necessary because logically you always needed to be clear where one expression ended and the next one began. Given this, I would never have believed that giving as input, on a single line and in a single cell, the following a = Plot[x, {x, 0, 1}]; b = Plot[x^2, {x, 0, 1}]; a b would be a legal input -- until I tried it a couple of minutes ago. But wait a minute! Aren't a and b now expressions (separately)? So, don't they require a semicolon between them, to separate them? [In fact, I just tried the above input with a + b and then a * b at the end of the line -- and they all worked exactly the same as just a b . WOW!!!] Semicolons need explaining and understanding! 2) So, where would an innocent but intelligent Mathematica user go to unravel these mysteries. I'd issue a small challenge: Don't explain compound expressions and semicolons to me. Show us -- show me -- in detail how a novice could learn the at least the essential elementary rules of compound expressions and semicolons FROM THE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE MATHEMATICA 6.0 DOCUMENTATION. [And, see if the Help for ";" comports with the results I just experienced in the preceding.] 3) And then think a little deeper: Ask yourself, WHY do these recurrent queries about Show[]keep recurring so recurrently? Could it just be because the _documentation_ provided for 6.0's introduction, and for the massive changes it introduced, has not been adequate in explaining or warning about these sizable changes for a large class of users??? Let's just leave that thought to simmer for a while . . . 4) OK, now having understood the new character of Show[], what should users do if they want to really show some graphics -- have them appear on screen -- in the middle of a long compound expression. Respondents keep suggesting that one should Print[] the graphics. OK, that works, of course -- but it's a poor solution, among other things because Print[] messes with the sizes at which the graphics are displayed, in a way that doesn't always match with what's expected. Something better is needed. 5) Finally, to respond on a quite different aspect of Show[] that's also been the subject of a thread recently: Go to the Help for Show[], where you'll read: Show[g1,g2] . . . concatenates the graphics primitives in the gi, effectively overlaying the graphics. and then try a = Plot3D[x y, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}]; b = Graphics3D[{Red, Thickness[0.01], Line[{{1/2, 1/2, 0}, {1/2, 1/2, 2}}]}]; followed by Show[a, b] and then Show[b, a]. Evidently, Show[a,b] =|= Show[b,a]. I guess I grasp what happens here, don't need an explanation, and can sort of understand, yeah, that's what "concatenate" gives you. But it's a lesson on how careful you have to be with these things. That's it for the 5.
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: Show and 6.0
- From: Andrzej Kozlowski <>
- Re: Show and 6.0