Re: DiffMaps package
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg89547] Re: DiffMaps package
- From: dh <dh at>
- Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 03:00:20 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <g2nu6o$ei2$>
Hi, I do not know a Package named diffMap. But it is easy enough (provided you can solve the equations) to calculat critical points. Simply use the definition. The gradient has to be zero: Solve[{D[f[x,y],x]==0,D[f[x,y],y]==0},{x,y}] eventually you need NSolve or Reduce. hope this helps, Daniel Modeler wrote: > Hi everybody, > > I need to determine the critical points of a 3D surface parameterized by a function f[x,y]. I was told there is a package called diffMaps (apparently not installed by default) which allows one to easily compute local minima and maxima as well as saddle points. Does anyone know how to get it or else can give any ideas about computation of critical points? Thanks a lot. > -- Daniel Huber Metrohm Ltd. Oberdorfstr. 68 CH-9100 Herisau Tel. +41 71 353 8585, Fax +41 71 353 8907 E-Mail:<mailto:dh at> Internet:<>