Re: Magnification?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg86013] Re: Magnification?
- From: "D. Grady" <D.C.Grady at>
- Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 04:48:36 -0500 (EST)
- References: <fq8qps$j88$>
This doesn't seem to be happening to me with version 6.0.1 on OS X. Are you sure you're not changing the magnification on a per-cell basis, when you mean to change the notebook-wide default magnification? What does the Option Inspector say about the problem cells? -Daniel AES wrote: > 1) Changing the magnification value in the small drop-down menu at the > bottom left of a notebook window obviously magnifies the on-screen > display (but presumably NOT the printed page contents resulting from a > Print command?) > > For example, select all the cells in a NB; set this magnification number > to, say, 150%; the whole notebook expands as above. > > 2) Now, type the word Magnification into a new Input cell, then select > *anything* else in the NB -- another cell, a word in another cell, all > the cells in the NB; then again change the magnification value in the > little bottom drop-down menu: > > **Only the word Magnification in that one input cell changes (even > though it's no longer selected). Nothing else -- including any other > selection you make -- changes size.** > > In fact, you can run the word Magnification way up, or way down, in size > this way. The value in the little menu and the size of the word > Magnification in the one NB cell change to various values; the rest of > notebook doesn't change at all. > > At least that's what I'm seeing, right now . . . > > 3) OK, now shrink the Magnification word to 50% as above, leaving the > rest of the NB at, say, 150% (though the little menu says 50%). > > Then select all cells; go to the Format >> Magnification menu; and > select various values, say 100%, then 200%, etc. > > **The entire notebook changes to those new sizes -- including the word > Magnification, which jumps into sync with rest of notebook and follows > along through all size changes.** > > 4) Having done the preceding, leave the display at some new size; > select all cells; then return to the little drop-down menu at the bottom > of the NB window and try to further change NB magnification from there, > as you had done earlier. Result: > > **The little magnification menu has now apparently ceased to function AT > ALL: Neither the entire NB nor the word Magnification any longer change > size (though the number in the menu field changes value appropriately).** > > ----- > > At this point, I give up . . .