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Opening notebooks with NotebookOpen when one of the directory path

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg86233] Opening notebooks with NotebookOpen when one of the directory path
  • From: deepyogurt at
  • Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 03:01:33 -0500 (EST)

I am using Mathematica 6.0.2 on Mac OS X -- anyone have any idea why I
can't have an alias as an element in the directory path when using the
NotebookOpen command? For example, if I have a notebook file called
xyz.nb and it is physically in a folder called /Documents/Realfolder
and there is also an alias called /Documents/Realfolderalias that
points to /Documents/Realfolder, then why does the following fail:

docpath2 = ToFileName[{"/Documents"}, "Realfolderalias"];
nb77 = NotebookOpen[ToFileName[docpath2, "xyz.nb"],
   WindowMargins -> {{-1671, Automatic}, {Automatic, -16}}, WindowSize
-> {949, 509}]

but this works fine:

docpath2 = ToFileName[{"/Documents"}, "Realfolder"];
nb78 = NotebookOpen[ToFileName[docpath2, "xyz.nb"],
   WindowMargins -> {{-1671, Automatic}, {Automatic, -16}}, WindowSize
-> {949, 509}]

In other words why doesn't Mathematica open the desired file if one of
the directory path elements in the complete filepath description
happens to be an alias?? I did a some Googling of this and also
searched this group but didn't come across anything. Any suggestions
on how to make something like this work? I thought that aliases under
Mac OS X make everything work the same as the real thing? The aliases
were created using the Finder "Make Alias" command if it matters.



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